Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pet Food Distribution, Spay/Neuter Sign-Up 9/15/19, 10-1

Our September pet food distribution, spay/neuter sign-up is Sunday, September 15th from 10 am till 1 pm. We are located at 4150 Old State Rd M (Old Hwy M) South of HWY M, behind from Dollar General. No appointment necessary.
To qualify for our program, you need to be a Jefferson County resident (or rural surrounding community) You must to bring photo id (showing current address or a utility bill), proof of need ( SSI, Medicaid, Food Stamps, any government assistance or unemployment letter) along with backing documentation showing current eligibility. Please provide proof of spay/neuter. If your pets are not spay/or neutered, we will only give you food once until you have made arrangements to have them fixed (which we will pay for). If you are ONLY interested in getting your pets fixed, you STILL need to come by, fill out an application and bring the necessary paperwork. WE DO NOT SPAY/NEUTER AT THE PANTRY!!!!

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